In 2023, Vigolin AS will receive funding under the EAS measure "Supporting the Digital Transition of Enterprises".
Vigolin AS will receive support under the measure "Supporting the Digital Transition of Enterprises" for a maximum amount of EUR 245225.36, which will be used to implement the project "Supporting the Digital Transition of Vigolin AS". The project is financed by the European Union through the NextGenerationEU Restructuring Fund.
TThe aim of the project is to optimize, digitalize and automate the company's processes in order to reduce headcount, increase the efficiency and productivity of work processes, and improve the company's international competitiveness. The project includes investing in electric elevators and scanners connected to a central information system, completing the implementation of project management software and modernizing the server fleet. As a result of the project, work processes will be optimized and the volume of cargo handled will be increased, which, in turn, will lead to an increase in sales and net profit for the company.
Vigolin AS received funding under the support measure EAS Digital Roadmap.
Vigolin AS has received a grant of 10,800 euros in 2022 under the measure "Support measure for an enterprise development plan to promote the development and export activities of enterprises and improve management capacity" under the direction "Identification of development needs and enterprise development activities", which will be used for the implementation of the project "Vigolin AS Digitalization Roadmap".
The aim of the project is to obtain an expert analysis of the company's digitalization opportunities and their implementation to improve the company's efficiency, technology, digitalization and competitiveness. Based on the results of the project, a report "Digitalization Roadmap" was prepared.
The projects are financed by the European Regional Development Fund.